Moshi Town
A Few well earned drinks, and a proper bed!!
Zanzibar - Enough said
Horombo hut (3705m) – Marangu Gate (1860m)
Hiking time: 6 hours
Distance: Approximately 19.7 km
Habitat: Moorland & Montane Forest
After his last breakfast on the mountain, Andy will continue his descent (6 hours), passing the Mandara hut, down to the Marangu gate.
At Marangu gate he will sign his name and details in a register. This is also where successful climbers receive their summit certificates. Those climbers who reached Gillman’s Point (5685m) are issued with green certificates and those who reached Uhuru Peak (5895m), receive gold certificates.
He will now drive back to Moshi for a long overdue hot shower, dinner decent bed and celebrations!!

Kibo hut (4730m) – Uhuru Peak (5895m) – Horombo hut (3705m)
Hiking time: 7 to 8 hours to reach Uhuru Peak, 6 to 8 hours to descend to Horombo
Distance: Approximately 5.4km ascent and 15 km descent
Habitat: Stone scree / ice-cap summit
Today is what this challenge is all about. Andy will rise around 23h20, hopefully feeling totally refreshed following his couple of hours sleep, and after some tea and biscuits before he shuffles off into the night, this is the point where the going really gets tough. The first section of the trail consists of a rocky path to the Hans Meyer Cave (5150m). It is a good resting spot, so he will get a good ten minutes to recover, before taking the path that zigzags up to Gillman’s point (5 681m), which is located on the crater rim. This section is very steep with a lot of stone scree, requiring great physical and mental effort.
This section is probably the most demanding section of the entire route. From Gillmans Point you will normally encounter snow all the way up to Uhuru peak (5895m), the highest point in Africa, so it is probably time for you break out those thermals, if you haven’t already.
Total exhilaration and satisfaction – He has made it to the summit of the highest point in the whole African Continent.
Weather conditions on the summit will determine how long he will be able to spend taking photographs, before the 3 hour descent back to Kibo hut. After a short rest at Kibo, he will gather all his gear he left behind for the ascent, and head down to Horombo hut (3 hours) for his overnight stay. The return to Horombo hut will seem surprisingly fast compared to the ascent. The total time spent walking on this day is around 14 hours, so be prepared for a very tough day Andy. Later in the evening he will enjoy his last dinner (with soft drinks????? and beer for sale at the camp office) on the mountain, and a well-earned sleep, filled with memories and stirring emotions.
Congratulations to our Managing Director Andrew Stone, on reaching the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Mawenzi Tarn camp (4303m) – Kibo hut (4730m)
Hiking time: 5 hours
Distance: Approximately 9 km
Habitat: Alpine desert
After breakfast Andy will head west and continue ascending on the east side of Kibo, crossing the saddle between Mawenzi and Kibo, taking 4 to 5 hours to reach Kibo Hut.
The remainder of the day is spent resting in preparation for the final ascent, which begins around midnight.

Kikelewa Cave (3679m) – Mawenzi Tarn camp (4303m)
Hiking time: 3 hours
Distance: Approximately 3.7 km
Habitat: Moorlands
Day three sees Andy take a short but steep climb up grassy slopes, which offer amazing views of this wilderness area.
The vegetation zone ends shortly before he reaches his next camp at Mawenzi Tarn. It is spectacularly situated beneath the towering spires of Mawenzi. He will then spend the afternoon acclimatizing and exploring the area.
Latest update: Message from Andy, everything okay, it's starting to get colder.

Simba camp (2626m) – Kikelewa Camp (3679m)
Hiking time: 6 – 7 hours
Distance: Approximately 11.8 km
Habitat: Moorlands
Day two will see Andy hike from Simba camp up towards Kibo for lunch at First Caves, a distance of 5.8km.
After lunch he will continue trekking until reaching Kikelewa Camp at about 3679 metres. The views start to open up, and it is at this point that he will begin to feel he is on a really big mountain!
Water can be found in an obvious stream below the cave, although he might have to wander downhill a way to find a pool or two.
It is here that he will enjoy dinner and overnight at Kikelewa camp. We can’t wait to here what delights are offered for his first real meal in the mountain wilderness.

Rongai Start Point (1996m) – Simba camp (2626m)
Hiking time: 4 hours
Distance: Approximately 6.7 km
Habitat: Forest (Montane)
Andy will depart from Moshi town and take the 45 minutes drive to the Marangu park gate, where he will register for the trip and pay his park access fees. From Marangu park gate, he’ll travel to Naro Moru, north east Kilimanjaro, a further 68km, and approximately 2 ½ hours on bad roads to the Rongai start point. It is here that he will meet his guide and porters before he begins his hike from the Nale Moru village. The small winding path will cross maize fields before he enters the pine forest. The trail is not at all steep, but is rather a gentle hike through a beautiful country side, easing him into a false sense of security.
The first night’s camp is at Simba Camp at an altitude of 2626m. The camp facilities include a public toilet and a wooden table with benches, but no hut means his first night will be spent under the stars.

It is Monday 1st July 2019, and six months of training is now complete.
Andy has his ruck sack packed, instructions have been issued in the office, and this Friday he will board his plane from Heathrow and fly to Doha, then Kilimanjaro, to start his epic adventure and ascent up Mount Kilimanjaro.
He will be following the Rongai route, which ascends Kilimanjaro from the north-eastern side of the mountain, along the border between Tanzania and Kenya.
The topography of the route does not allow for the application of the climb high and sleep low principle, and hikers generally suffer more from altitude sickness on the Rongai route, compared to other routes. The Rongai route uses the scree summiting path from Kibo hut to Gilman’s point, and descends via the Marangu route.

Derwent Valley Construction Director Andrew Stone is currently in preparation mode as he is set to climb Kilimanjaro in July.
Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and the tallest freestanding mountain on earth. With the long hike and incredibly high altitude levels this is a tough challenge which lies ahead.
We wish Andrew the very best of luck and fully commend him for taking on this difficult challenge. Andrew is fundraising for Amber Valley Gymnastics Club as part of his climb.

During 2018 we welcomed some new colleagues to join the dedicated team at Derwent Valley Construction.
Richard Beresford - Assistant Quantity Surveyor

From left to right:
Alexandra Hanman - Accounts Manager
Lizzie Beresford - Accounts Assistant
Emma Batchford - Administrator

We are proud to announce that we are sponsoring Derbyshire County Cricket Club to back the bid to be the host City for the ICC Woman's World Cup in 2017.
As part of an announcement made by Chief Executive Simon Storey, the Derbyshire County Cricket Club unveiled plans for a landmark set of giant cricket stumps to be located at the gateway of the City on the Pentagon Roundabout.
The stumps will be funded by 100 local businesses, Derwent Valley Construction being on of them, together with a small number of private donors to become part of the campaign and be involved in the development, unveiling and publicity surrounding the sculpture as well as featuring on the Partners Plaque.
Derby City Council Leader, Ranjit Banwait, who together with local Derby North MP endorsed the bid, added: 'Derby has an opportunity with the Women's World Cup in 2017 to once again become a leading City in the public eye.

As the Principal Contractor Derwent Valley Construction were successful in winning a RIBA EAst Midlands Regional Award for 2014. Simon Foote the architect is to be congratulated on his award winning design which saw a listed building sensitively complemented by a modern extension in timber and glass. We are proud to have been able to bring his concept to fruition and win recognition from such a distinguished body. See our Projects section for further photographs